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Excellent Hardscapes in Weber County, UT

Hickman Landscaping enhances residential and commercial properties with hardscapes throughout Weber and Davis County, UT. We design, construct, and install hardscape features of all kinds, carefully crafted with top-quality, long-lasting materials. Home and business owners choose us because of our expert attention to detail and dedication to exceptional customer service. We’ll coordinate and communicate with you throughout your project, ensuring it’s completed to your exact specifications. Total customer satisfaction is among our top priorities.


Elevate Your Property With Stunning Features

Our hardscaping services provide homes and businesses with enhanced beauty and function. We can design and install steps and walkways that help you navigate your property better and look terrific. Rock and retaining walls can protect your soil from erosion and give your outdoor space more privacy. Our team is skilled and experienced with the following features and uses them to bring our clients’ dreams to life:

  • Rock walls and retaining walls
  • Walkways and driveways
  • Patios and customized outdoor spaces
  • Fireplaces and firepits
  • Ponds and waterfalls
Landscape with stairs

Durable, Eye-Catching Hardscape Construction Materials

We specialize in using the following materials to construct outstanding outdoor features:

  • Belgard Stone: Belgard comprises interlocked paving stones and can be used to build virtually any feature. It comes in many color combinations and styles.
  • Natural Stone: Natural stone is perfect for rustic, earthy landscapes. Customize your stones in your preferred colors and shapes and apply them to your walkway, patio, and more.
  • Brick: Bricks imbue properties with a classic, timeless appearance. Whether you value style, function, or both, brick is a versatile material that can satisfy any need.

Customizable Hardscaping for Any Need

At Hickman Landscaping, there’s no limit to what hardscape features can do or what needs they can satisfy. Some property owners want them to complement and enhance their existing lawns and features. Others want to start fresh with a terrific new appearance. If you have a hardscape project, we’ll provide the equipment and skilled hands to get the job done right. We’ll customize your project according to your budget, timeline, and goals, ensuring high quality and a great experience.

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